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Summer is upon us, and it is about that time to switch on the A/C. You’ll enjoy the refreshing comfort from the cool air, but you may also see your energy bill start to rise. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that about half of the energy you use in your home is for heating and cooling. Here are a few things you can do this summer to keep your energy bill in check.

Invest in a new A/C unit. Modern air conditioners are built to give you the most bang for your buck. They aren’t just beneficial for your energy bill; they also reduce your carbon footprint and they are better at cooling your home. The most energy-efficient units available come with an Energy Star certification. If your current unit is 10 years old or older, Energy Star recommends having it checked by a professional or replacing it with a newer model.

Program your thermostat. According to the DOE, you can save as much as 10% a year on your energy bill just by turning the temperature up 7 to 10 degrees from its normal setting for 8 hours a day. They recommend a temperature of 78 degrees to be comfortable and to avoid an unusually high bill. The easiest way to manage the temperature in your home is to use a programmable thermostat, which allows you to set the temperature depending on the time of day. A programmable thermostat can handle temperature adjustments automatically. After a while, you may not even notice that it’s happening.

Clean your vents and dust often. Dust always builds up faster than we want it to. Too much dust and debris can clog your vents or form blockage in your air filter. This could mean that your system has to work harder to force air to circulate around your home. Besides regular cleaning around your home, consider calling a professional in to clean the ductwork.

Use fans for circulation. In the summer, heat rises and air can become stagnant. Keep your ceiling fan on for air circulation. This in conjunction with your A/C will cool the room faster than if you were to rely on just air conditioning alone. Plus, your A/C won’t have to work as hard because the fan is constantly redistributing the cool air all around your home.

Schedule preventative maintenance. Don’t wait until a problem arises to call a technician. Hire a professional to service your air conditioner at the beginning of summer. Regular maintenance is necessary for the safety and lifespan of your HVAC equipment.

Allied Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help you save big this summer. Visit our website or give us a call to start saving today!


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